PISCO - Piedmont Space Components

The project aims to contribute to cryogenic innovation through the development and implementation of various technical/scientific solutions. The first objective is geared toward innovative sensor technology for pressure, temperature and vibration measurement, with the goal of realizing miniaturized mechatronic components, capable of extending through the application of a larger number of sensors the diagnostics of the cryogenic engine and its reusability for several launches (in response to the trend introduced in the U.S. by the Space-X company). This innovation may also be applied to the entire launcher, not confining the use of this sensor technology exclusively to the engine component. The second objective relates to the evolution of cryogenic sub-components of launchers, such as critical elements for storing, regulating or controlling the flow of the combustant, on which the delivery of power and thrust of the engine itself depends.
Bando IR2 Regione Piemonte

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We firmly believe that one of the Group’s strengths lies in the transdisciplinary approach that stems from active collaboration between experts from different fields, crucial for achieving results in both research and technological transfer.