Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

PiQuET Laboratory, Lab TEM
It is a transmission electron microscope with good imaging capabilities. It allows investigation of thin material science / biological specimen, from brittle materials to cells and bio-membranes. Complemented by a Focused Ion Beam for lamella preparation, it reaches a resolution of >5 nm at 80 kV and >2 nm at 120 kV. It can be operated in bright field, dark field and diffraction mode, as well as in STEM mode if required.
Filament: LaB6 thermoionic emission - Acceleration Voltage: 80 kV (bio specimen) and 120 kV (material science) - Sample holder: single tilt, hosting standard 3.5 mm TEM grid - Detection: fluorescence screen / Eagle camera - Ancillary sample preparation instrumenation: FEI Quanta 3D FIB, equipped with an omniprobe liftout micromanipulator
We firmly believe that one of the Group’s strengths lies in the transdisciplinary approach that stems from active collaboration between experts from different fields, crucial for achieving results in both research and technological transfer.