Xolography 3D Printer

Xolo Xube
PolitoBIOMed Lab
This 3D printer is the first-generation volumetric printer, expertly crafted to empower trailblazing scientists in their quest to approach new horizons in 3D printing. It is based on xolography i.e. an innovative production process that leverages dual-color photopolymerization (DCP): two intersecting light beams of different wavelengths solidify localized regions in a transparent resin material. Xolography rapidly produces objects from sub-centimeter scale up to the size of everyday objects with feature sizes as small as 5 μm in x and y, and 10 μm in z – all within a matter of minutes.
Build envelope 50 × 70 × 90 mm - Max. resolution (XY) : 0.03 mm - Max. resolution (Z): 0.05 mm
We firmly believe that one of the Group’s strengths lies in the transdisciplinary approach that stems from active collaboration between experts from different fields, crucial for achieving results in both research and technological transfer.