SMARTEST - Strumento di MisurA poRtaTile e wireless per la rivelazione quantitativa di aflatoSsina M1 nel laTte

The project involves the development of a versatile measurement system (suitable for LFS (Lateral Flow Strip) of different origins) capable of performing quantitative, low-cost, and automatic (without the presence of experienced operators) measurements of M1 aflatoxin (AT) at origin, i.e., at the same time as the milk is withdrawn, so as to allow measurements on all batches and no longer on a sample basis as today. Fully automatic (i.e., capable of performing independently of operator and environment) and flexible, i.e., capable of employing different LFS from different commercial suppliers, it will be the missing element capable of returning measurements in the field and in real time.
Bando PITEF, Regione Piemonte
Informatica System Srl, Cemas Elettra, Beppino Occelli Agrinatura, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, L’istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Del Piemonte Liguria E Valle D’aosta, Eltek, LAMP

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We firmly believe that one of the Group’s strengths lies in the transdisciplinary approach that stems from active collaboration between experts from different fields, crucial for achieving results in both research and technological transfer.