FOOD DRUG FREE - Sistema di rilevamento di molecole farmacologicamente attive

The project involves the development of a portable wireless technology platform consisting of sensor units multi-purpose that enables the identification and in-field qualitative-quantitative evaluation of residues of pharmacologically active molecules in the following foods: Milk, honey and eggs. The project is part of a rationale for building a supply chain food safety platform for rapid and efficient in-field monitoring of raw materials entering the production and distribution process in order to lower control costs and prevent production waste. The expected outcome of this project is the realization of prototype detection devices based on different principles of measurement signal transduction and Lab-on-chip technology and integrated into portable platforms to be used in-field.
Bando Piattaforma tecnologica BIOECONOMIA, Regione Piemonte
Informatica System Srl, Università Di Scienza Gastronomiche, Cemas Elettra, Beppino Occelli Agrinatura, La Monfortina, Torronificio Sebaste, Sky Technologies, Dgs, Eltek , Chemsafe, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, L’istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Del Piemonte Liguria E Valle D’aosta

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We firmly believe that one of the Group’s strengths lies in the transdisciplinary approach that stems from active collaboration between experts from different fields, crucial for achieving results in both research and technological transfer.