RIVAL - Rilevazione Virale rApida tramite Lab on a chip

The idea behind the project is to develop technologies and tools for rapid diagnosis by implementing a Point-Of-Care (POC) platform based on LOC technology to isolate, concentrate and amplify viral RNA through an innovative and multidisciplinary approach involving microfluidics, nanomaterials and functionalization of polymers. The ultimate goal of RIVAL is to obtain a system that from a polymeric card incorporating a microfluidic circuit and reagents is able to implement different functionalities that correspond to specific separation, concentration and amplification steps, namely: the isolation of the SARS-COV2 virus and capture on the functionalized surface to obtain reduced volume and concentration; RNA capture (extraction and immobilization on a high-surface area covered with nanomaterials); RNA amplification (release and amplification with an isothermal method (“Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification”, RT-LAMP)).
bando regionale INFRA-P2
Informatica system S.R.L., ProPLAST- Consorzio per la promozione della cultura plastica, polito (coordinatore)

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We firmly believe that one of the Group’s strengths lies in the transdisciplinary approach that stems from active collaboration between experts from different fields, crucial for achieving results in both research and technological transfer.